Thirty-Fifth Flame-[Action]

Sep 22, 2010 18:53

[Despite the fact that it's absolutely storming outside, there is a table sitting in front of Community Building 7. Someone has even been considerate enough to prop up a beach umbrella so that the stuff on the table doesn't get wet. On this table are various miscellaneous things, anything ranging to girl-clothing to a squirtgun, mostly items that ( Read more... )

handling this surprisingly well really, byebye mini-clone, fml, byebye baby sister

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[Action] forsurvival September 23 2010, 11:44:43 UTC
[Lambda was just looking for some shelter from the rain when he spots the umbrella. Convenient. Without bothering to consider it might belong to someone, he moves as close to the table as he can to seek out refuge. He really hates getting wet. After a few minutes, his gaze strays to the items on the table. ... Toys?]


[Action] goggle_syndrome September 23 2010, 16:02:48 UTC
[Well it is quite a large umbrella, so it's helpful. Taichi comes back out with another box before he spots someone under his umbrella and near his table of stuff, so he approaches rather quickly to get under the umbrella too.]

Hey. Kind of wet out here, huh? [Because making random conversation is awesome.]


[Action] forsurvival September 23 2010, 16:07:48 UTC
[Lambda looks up to give Taichi a blank stare, before nodding curtly. It's kind of hard to miss that it's wet out here, but people do love their random, casual conversation.]


[Action] goggle_syndrome September 23 2010, 16:34:31 UTC
So...what are you doing out then? [There are other people crazy enough to walk in the rain? That could be useful.]


[Action] forsurvival September 23 2010, 16:44:13 UTC
... I was seeking shelter. [Technically, Lambda doesn't have a house or apartment. He's always out, that poor little guy.]


[Action] goggle_syndrome September 24 2010, 07:01:00 UTC
I think going inside one of the buildings might be better than an umbrella, don't you? At least the rain can't get you in there.


[Action] forsurvival September 24 2010, 11:02:14 UTC
... This was nearest.


[Action] goggle_syndrome September 24 2010, 16:16:24 UTC
True, but the building's right here. C'mon, I'll take you there...if you want.


[Action] forsurvival September 24 2010, 20:05:43 UTC
is it your building?


[Action] goggle_syndrome September 25 2010, 03:38:55 UTC
I live here for now, yeah. Would it be bad if it wasn't?


[Action] forsurvival September 25 2010, 13:13:43 UTC
... Would it? [He can't imagine how the residents of the community housing would respond if someone who doesn't live there enters the place. The whole concept is kind of foreign to him.]


[Action] goggle_syndrome September 26 2010, 09:55:19 UTC
...uh. The answer's no, dude. [He grins a little because really, what an odd kid. Then again, it is Luceti.] Follow me. [And he's gesturing for the other to follow him back into the building. You know, where it's not cold, wet, and miserable.]


[Action] forsurvival September 26 2010, 13:05:12 UTC
[Lambda hesitates for a moment, then follows Taichi into the building. Nnh, now he has to get wet again along the way. He just hopes his body won't suffer any negative effects from this weather.]


[Action] goggle_syndrome September 26 2010, 17:17:01 UTC
[And once they're inside, Taichi's just going to shake his head to remove some of the water from his hair.] Need a towel? They probably have small ones in the kitchens on each floor.


[Action] forsurvival September 26 2010, 20:58:33 UTC
[Lambda tries rubbing at his sleeves, but it's no good. His clothes are soaking wet. He nods his head at Taichi.] Where is the kitchen?


[Action] goggle_syndrome September 28 2010, 16:17:18 UTC
Follow me. [He's just going to lead Lambda up to where his apartment was, heading into his shared kitchen and banging around in cabinets and drawers before coming up with a few hand towels.] These oughta work for you, right?


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