Seriously, first the G-Man Shirt, and now these:
SHIT JUST GOT REAL. IwantthatPoseAsATeamshirtsoBAAAAD. D:
*will probably make
Problem Sleuth icons later*
Also, I got World of Warcraft yesterday, but I'm not even installing it until I've:
A)Read the manual
B)Relieved at least some of the immense games-I-bought-but-have-yet-to-play backlog I have accumulated. (Seriously, I have Professor Layton, Portal, Saint's Row 2, Patapon and Ty 1 and 2 laying around my room unopened. I think I can escape the guilt unscathed if I start on Saint's Row 2 and Professor Layton, but that means I need to finish PW3(God, I've been playing that game on and off for how long now? I'm halfway through the second-last case though, so at least I don't have TOO far to go...).
C)Done more jewelery stuff (Because I might as well refill the slots on the display board freed up by last month.)