Back from Perth (Since Monday afternoon, actly.) Barring the fresh air and the bead shop I spent nearly £40 at getting new and exotic beads, it was kind of suck. Mostly because it rained, practically everything closed on Sunday, and all the fun outdoors things were all only CAR ACCESSIBLE WTF. Also, I had a nasty-ass cold all weekend which caused me to cough non-stop.
Plus, in the B&B, the couple in the room across from us were INCREDIBLY LOUD. IF YOU GET WHAT I AM IMPLYING.
I've kind of got into Viva Pinata lately. Partially because the game world is endearing and full of personality AND NOT GREY-BROWN IN HUE, but mostly, I blame the fact the accessory shop allows me to do this:
I NOW HAVE THE BEST PRETZTAIL EVAR. Also, the massive amount of gas mask-toting Candaries in one of my gardens caused my mine to spew forth a Dragonache egg in about two or three game days (I'm not sure how long that is in game time but I have a feeling it's NOT VERY LONG AT ALL. XDD)
Only one day till my jorb interview AND MIND OVER MUTANT. I have a feeling tomorrow is gonna be a fairly epic day for me.