Title: We’re Having a Conversation, Pts. 1-5/5 + epilogue
chynajPairing/Character: Veronica, Piz, Wallace, Logan
Word Count: ~17,000 for the whole story
Rating: R (language)
Summary: After Logan beats up Piz, Wallace decides that they need to have a conversation...
Spoilers: Through 3.20
Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of Veronica Mars. No copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: This is AU for part of 3.20: The Bitch is Back. Many thanks to the creators of vmtranscripts.com, which was a great reference as I tried to recreate the opening scene. Feedback is much appreciated!
This was originally posted to
veronicamarsfic, but I'm cross-posting here as I've just added an epilogue!
Wallace watched his roommate as he laid back on his bed, while Veronica tended to the injuries Logan had inflicted on him.