May 05, 2009 09:31
I was walking down Shuniah Street toward my parents' house. There was a beautiful view of the city all around me. I could see forests filled with pine trees and the skyline, which included silhouettes of large buildings. Everything was so clear. I looked toward a mountain and there was a small orange spark, and seconds later, fire tore through the entire city at an astounding rate. I watched the orange flames rip through trees and buildings. As the each tree and building was devoured, it would turn into a silhouette. The fire came closer to me and soon I was surrounded. I remember feeling an intense heat, fear and pain as I looked for a way to escape. I lept over a small patch of flames near the corner of Meek Street and vividly recall the searing pain shoot through my body as fire licked the flesh on my leg. I ran and ran, not knowing where I was going. Everything was glowing and devoured by fire. I knew I had to escape, but that I couldn't. I was hit with a realization of precisely how an animal must feel when it's attempting to outrun a forest fire; completely desperate, knowing my body was about to be engulfed in flames, but mechanical...unable to stop trying to survive. I could barely breathe...then I woke up, feeling like I had just been pulled from drowning at the last second, gasping for air. I then thought, "Damn, should have put a mirror under my pillow"