Apr 22, 2010 17:49
Put aside the reasoning behind the actions of our company management, which has gone nuts on cost-cutting, and after effectively eliminating half of the development team, realized that there's no one left to work on current projects and is temporarily lifting the hiring ban. As a consequence, I've suddenly found myself in charge of interviewing candidates. I've said this before, and will repeat again, but just reading trough that pile of poorly written resumes is driving me crazy. Have those people ever taken a writing class? Have they read any books apart from tech references? Did they try to talk to other people? IN ENGLISH?! Do they strive to confuse the potential employee?
They are sending huge documents with every previous job description that take more than a page and listing more technologies/methodologies/God-knows-what-else-ologies than I have used throughout my entire career, and still saying nothing about what they actually did at the previous places of employment.
At the end I selected two resumes that I've been able to read past first page without the threat of having my head explode. Maybe they are much worse than others that I've turned down, but at least their writing showed traces of actual work performed in the past, not just mindless lists of popular technical terms and combination thereof.
Ok, the rant is out, time to get back to work... errr... studies I mean - need to learn something new so that I can put it on my resume. In completely unreadable fashion of course - let some other poor bastard's head explode when he tries to read it :) JK.