Window dude is back today, should get everything that doesn't require new parts today. Still irked my window is cursed. I'm sort of hanging out aimlessly where he can find me in case he has questions.
Mum's been off the crutches for a few days, but she's got a knee brace that she's complaining about but at least still wearing, and trying to mostly take things slower. Aside from climbing on ladders and painting windows and other such ridiculous nonsense, as she does.
Dad's back from visiting his mother for a bit- Dick is still a dick. He was talking about selling the house (what the fuck, her husband of 30 years just died, no life altering decisions, fuck you. You wouldn't be able to touch the money until after she's dead anyway) and generally doesn't want to deal with her, big surprise there, since he barely wanted to deal with his own father (and went on a fishing trip for a week right after he died, instead of helping with anything). We're trying to figure out the best solution for moving her to the desert, travel/what kind of situation/etc. At least for now we've got it set up so she doesn't have to move from the current situation until we're ready. The uncles, my side too, were talking about telling her of the memorial service in Ohio- she doesn't need to know. She's stressed, she's in shock, and she is incapable of traveling to it right now anyway, so just don't.
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