This is the cherry on my woe cake.

Oct 26, 2009 00:25

 stole the phrase from sarahtales. But it is so apt. I must now complain, though I promise not to be too lengthy.

-I have COMPLETED law school applications (as in all transcripts, references, statements and supplements) due in one week.
-I have my senior thesis due in two weeks.
-My lovely boyfriend is coming on Thursday, which makes my heart flutter BUT which necessarily means I will get less done.
-I am sick.

Kill me now.

**ETA: black jellybeans atop the Woe Cake**

-there was a concert last night and I forgot to buy tickets so had to pay through the nose
-the concert was a 45-minute subway ride away
-there was a printed sheet of paper on the door saying "Concert rescheduled to 31 January 2010."
-I went the wrong way on the T for three stops on the way home
-that girl from class still hasn't gotten in touch
-It's raining.


tl;dr, fml

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