I have an idea about that art comission thing you owe me, i dont mind paying more for it, but how do you feel about making a plushie or one of the zuki av's? hehe
Oops! That should be FOR not or. I dont need any plush dongs around here. Like, the gargy or the wuff..tho one of the gargoyle would look rad!! Esp if he had tentacles!
Now I have to google Ding dong, but I'm not surprised theres furry porn. I googled "Bald Eagle" and got some of Synnabar's furry work. :P
Did you know ding dongs used to be called King Dongs? What genius thought that up!? I know you like them.. >.>
I dunno, they are just cakey and chocolate and nice. Whats not to like? Did you like the jaffa cakes?
Otherwise, I don't like most little debby products because its just all sugar. Shit-tons of sugar and I don't get alogn well, I get headachs. D:
Jaffa cakes are pure awesome, AND they are chocolate, easily the best snack in the world.. hee! *hugs*
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