Jul 26, 2007 16:37
I have a potentially busy weekend in the offing with visits to Preston, Liverpool and York maybe, tho York is the only definite one right now - More Pendragon by the looks of it, and I still dont have a proper coat of arms! Grrf! haha. Still should be an awesome game as ever. Id also love to get to liverpool to visit Amma and Kit again, which would be pure awesomesauce since I aint seem them im ages and ages.
I am also playing my regular Spirit of the Century game tonight, playing my backup character, Kirby Killinghast, the two fisted sailor type..hmm..a bit of a one dimentional character really but eh it should be fun.
I managed to invite Jocasta to Second Life and she seems to be enjoying it, its streets ahead of furcadia tho shes having the usual teething troubles with avatars and stuff...still its fun showing new folks around at all the cool stuff.
second life