(no subject)

Feb 24, 2007 01:11

1. Do you give the peace sign a lot?
ha...no im not that cool

2. How many Hollister things do you own?
quite a few..i hate people that thinks its cool to boycott trendy places.. gay gay. if you like something who gives a shit where its from. quite trying to be cool

3. When was the last time you kissed someone?
like 5 minutes ago

4. Can you do a cartwheel?
hell yeah i can

5. Are you depressed?
yeah right

6. Have you been to the mall this week?

7. Do you regret something you did yesterday?
yesterday...hmm.. i regret going to work. i regret missing my first class. but not really...cause i was so so sick in bed. like i will be for the next few days again

8. Are you allergic to anything?

9. Have you ever been tubing?
of course.. i live in Florida. the best is while alongside some dolphins

10. Has school started yet?

11. Do you own a guitar?
sure dont! no need to... I DONT PLAY!

12. Have you ever rode in an ambulance?
ive been in one.... but i wasn't the one that rode with the person...I had to ride with the father

14. Who do you hate?
dumb girls that try to be "badass" so that band/scene guys will like them. gay gay. clearly being the opposite works ;)

15. Crayons or markers?
markers i guess....its what i would have to say i have used more in the past...oh i dont know....10 years since crayons were in the picture

16. What age do you wish you were?
hmmmm maybe 16 or 17...those were fun young times.

17. Do you shower facing the shower head or with your back to it?
i only face the shower head when im rinsing the front or my face or something. otherwise my back is always facing the shower head...dont really like water hitting my face all the time

18. Do you have anything in your pockets right now?
umm....i dont have pants on

19. What is the closest object to your right?
SCHATZIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! not the closest...but by far the coolest

21. How many windows are up on your computer?
just one

22. Do you share your computer with anyone?
no its all mine.

23. What kind of cell phone do you have?
this dumb samsung. i do have to give it credit though...its indestructible

24. What color are the walls in your room?
FIRECROWN!!! aka...super bright orange

25. Are you wearing socks?
no sir

26. How many hours did you sleep last night?
umm.... i think 6? maybe less....

27. Where do you live?(city)
jackson five

28. Have you been outside your house today?
yeah...would be pretty sad if i didn't considering its 1 am. went to work...the beach...work...guitar center...crispers....starbucks...guitar center...st. nicolas for some booze...ryans casa...home

29. What is the last movie you saw in theatres?
because i said so. so in love with it

30. Did you like it?

[Relationship status] im in one
[Parents Still Together] happily married for 25 years
[Siblings] ive got 2
[Pets] the family has...pennybelle, schatzie, kaluah, larry, macho, alize, rico, lola...and rip Bartholomew

[You believe in love at first sight?] i believe in firey feelings from within at first sight haha
[Do you believe in "the one?"] actually no.... i believe there are several "ones" for each person.... it just depends on how many they find or if they even find one of them. i believe everyones "ones" are all over the world
[Too shy to make the first move?] ummm i made the first move once...and a year later we are still together

[Where do you want to live?] right this second.....here at home because i cant wait to jump into that bed
[How many kids do you want] zero. we'll see.
[Do you want to get married] hmm..i go back and forth.  to get married or not to get married...that is the question.

[Bought something] yes...beer...but not with my money  
[Gotten sick] ive stayed sick in the last 24 hours....really got sick over a week ago
[Sang] yeah tonight
[Felt stupid] no...cause i know im not ;)
[Felt abusive] abusive? no...maybe abused. jk
[Gotten high] nope....too classy for that
[Danced crazy] as crazy as a girl with mono (for the 3rd time) can get
[Gotten your hair cut] nope
[Watched cartoons] nope
[Hung out with friends] yes..tonight and yesterday
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