May 21, 2005 00:00
So after much deliberation, I finally checked my grades for the past semester. The good news is that I made Dean's List. I really thought I was going to do horribly because it seemed like I was slacking off a lot, but my professors turned out to be way cooler than I anticipated and raised a lot of my grades. It's the only way I could have so many A's and absolutely no C's for a change. Unfortunately....because of plus/minus grading, I'm losing the Hope Scholarship by .005 of a GPA point. Since I'm also transferring, I won't be eligible for the other scholarships or grants I did have until next year. Fuck...I'm going to have to take out a major loan just to cover tuition again. Luckily, I'm living at home again and I'm also starting up my new serving job at High Point. I will soon have real money again to blow on cheap records, books, video games, booze, and whatever else my affluent little heart desires.
Because I know everyone is interested in statistics.... more than 50% of Hope recipients will be losing their scholarship this year. In other words....they should fucking let me keep it for coming so close.