(no subject)

Sep 23, 2004 15:26

Today was pretty cool I guess. I did my pantimime in theater- I made a " virgin " bloody marry to Tipsy. It was pretty lame, but that's ok. Kayla has stoped allof her little not writing and shit. All that shit is finaly over. I saw a bunch of pictures of Chloe on Ej's phone- Sorry Chloe, but that was soooo SLUTY. Why do you degrate yourself like that? What eva. Um yeah luch was pretty cool, Spencer and Dylan went into the faculty bathroo- WHat rebels! lol. OMG SPENCER IS TLAKING INTO THE FAN!!!!!!!! FUNNEST THING IVE EVER WITNESSED.
Anyway... I didnt get kicked out of geometry to day. GO ME.
Dylan and I went to Spencer's after school- hmmm the ride here was reaaal fun. We were paked into Sam's car with some weird girls. Ashley who has pimply am, and some chick who didnt want to be touched. I was soo hyper, so i put some RAP on!!! the boys played football to me cool rapyO. um they are done playing and now they are playing cards. im gonna go over with them
I write about the rest of my day later.
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