Jun 13, 2004 16:30
so yea i think im getting sick cause i dont feel good at all.
and i really miss someone and i cant stop thinking about them. its so hard for me to resist them. bringing back the BTP phrase... can you resist the temptation?
i also really miss jessica, but everyone already knew that.
i have a lot on my mind and its all scrambled and whatnot so i cant make any sense out of anything and even though i know i have mad decisions that have to be made... i cant make them because i dont know what the right decision would be for any of the situations. ah that was a long confusing run on sentence but it made sense in my head. i wish someone could just tell me what to do, that would make everything so much easier.
ok father of the bride is on tv and i love that movie so im gonna go watch it and stop being confusing. =]