Dec 09, 2005 22:14
I was going to type out perhaps my longest entry yet, about the last Harry Potter movie. However, according to my internet research, J.K. Rowlings was pleased with the movie, and thinks they are getting better and better. So if the author of Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire (a book so amazingly grand that I had to fall to my knees after reading to praise the Lord), yes, if she can bring herself to like, and even prefer the fourth cinematic edition of the Harry Potter series, then I can withold from typing page upon page about why I can't and don't.
But I will say this: if you have not read the book first, do so. Don't worry about missing it on the big screen. I hadn't even begun the series until a few months ago, and I am so glad that I read all 1,700 or 1,800 pages of the first four books, just to read the fourth book before seeing the movie, in its correct order.
I'm looking forward, more than ever, to see The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. In truth, and in certainty, it's my least favorite book in the Chronicles of Narnia, but I know that this movie is going to be excellent. And normally, of course, I would've pre-ordered a ticket for the opening of the film, as I love hype, but I am taking this trip to the theatre as an opportunity to spend time with an old friend who will not be up for seeing the movie any earlier than Sunday afternoon.
Well, I'd best get to cleaning, and writing, and piano playing. Have a splendid one, my friends :D
harry potter