IV Breeding?

Jan 06, 2014 14:02

Does anyone on my friends list do IV breeding to trade with other users? I have a very large supply of stuff available for trade if anyone wants to swap with me. :) I trade for IV bred Pokemon that I do not have yet.

I can be picky! I want females to be in matching poke balls or males with egg moves. I am primarily interested in females. <3 ( Read more... )

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pheonixxfoxx January 6 2014, 20:06:11 UTC
I've been doing IV breeding. The ones I have bred are:


I have a very limited number of the following left:

Helioptile - Lv 1 (F) Timid w/ Dry Skin 4 x 31 IVs
Lv 1 (F) Timid w/ Sand Veil 5 x 31 IVs
Lv 25 (M) Timid w/ Dry Skin 5 x 31 IVs
Lv 40 (F) Timid w/ Dry Skin 5 x 31 IVs

Purrloin - Lv 61 (F) Timid w/ Prankster 5 x 31 IVs
Lv 1 (F) Timid w/ Limber 5 x 31 IVs
Lv 1 (M) Timid w/ Prankster 5 x 31 IVs

Espurr - 2 x Lv 1 (F) Modest w/ Keen Eye 6 x 31 IVs
Lv 81 (F) Modest w/ Own Tempo 6 x 31 IVs
Lv 1 (M) Modest w/ Own Tempo 5 x 31 IVs
Lv 1 (F) Modest w/ Own Tempo 5 x 31 IVs
Lv 32 Japanese (F) Modest w/ Own Tempo 5 x 31 IVs

I have a good number of Druddigon, Gligar and Glameows left. In fact, I am still breeding Glameow, trying for that shiny. I have a couple 6 IV gals I can spare with egg moves...;)

I'm interested in Charmander (especially a female), Absol, Noibat and possibly Froakie.


godudette January 6 2014, 21:30:49 UTC
Do any of your pokemon come in matching poke balls? I am really interested in a Purrloin. ^_^


pheonixxfoxx January 6 2014, 22:39:50 UTC
Here is a list of who comes with what PokeBall:

Purrloin - Standard PokeBall
Glameow - Luxury PokeBall - My favorite...:3
Gligar - Ultra PokeBall
Druddigon - Dusk PoekBall
Helioptile - Standard PokeBall
Espurr - Standard PokeBall


godudette January 9 2014, 00:40:15 UTC
I'd be happy to trade for a female Glameow! :D What would you like to trade for? If you look in my trade thread I list all the specific IVs, genders, and egg moves of each Pokemon I have for trade. :)


pheonixxfoxx January 9 2014, 03:02:56 UTC
Cool beans, I have ones with 6 perfect IVs available. Taking me awhile to get that shiny, LOL!! I'll take a male Absol in a Luxury PokeBall if you don't mind...:3


godudette January 11 2014, 16:03:34 UTC
I have Absol for you! :D When are you available to trade? I'm going to be home all day.


pheonixxfoxx January 11 2014, 16:13:01 UTC
I'm available to trade right now...:3


godudette January 11 2014, 16:17:59 UTC
Awesome! :D

FC: 1220-6834-9727
In-game name: Andrea

Let me have your FC and I'll be online shortly!
Edit: Did you want a nickname for Absol?


pheonixxfoxx January 11 2014, 16:29:50 UTC
We've already added each other silly...:D

I'm, "Phoenix Fox" in Pokemon Y...;)

As for a nickname, how about Orpheus. Do you have a name preference for your Glameow?


godudette January 11 2014, 16:35:31 UTC
Oh, lol. That's right. XD No nickname for Glameow, but thank you! I'll be on as soon as I get Absol nicknamed. <3


pheonixxfoxx January 11 2014, 16:37:12 UTC
Cool beans, I'll exit the GTS and keep an eye out for you...;)


godudette January 11 2014, 16:39:07 UTC
Thank you for trading with me! :D Enjoy your new Orpheus! <3


pheonixxfoxx January 11 2014, 16:43:10 UTC
You're welcome and I thank you...;)


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