Hey... Watch out for that .... mailbox

Nov 20, 2008 11:33

So yesterday morning I go outside to start the car to warm it up and I see the neighbor guy trying to help his daughter get her car started or something like that. When I finally come out to leave I notice the neighbor guy's truck is gone and his daughter's car is still sitting there and when I get in the car I see him pull up in his drive. Nothing really that interesting there, right? Well, as I'm getting back from the grocery and coming up on my driveway I see past our driveway to the neighbors and I see the daughter's car is running. Then all the sudden it haul's ass backwards and runs right into the redbrick mailbox thing (we all have them in this neighborhood for some reason). So, I pull into my driveway and just look in front of me, thinking, 'If I look he'll think I'm laughing at him, which I am and then I probably will out loud and he's a big dude that I don't want to piss off.' So I get out and try to keep facing forward when he starts complaining really loud, of course just to get my attention. So I turn around and he's like, "I can't believe it, I just hit my mailbox, the back window was frosted over", of course I, out of habit, look right at the back window and it's clear as a bell, not a single blindspot on it, "I wonder if I can pick it up." then he tries to pick it up with no luck. I offer to try and help him but he says "don't worry about it, I don't think even two men could lift it, I'll have to have a fork truck get it". So then he starts picking up some of the bricks that broke off of the top when it landed and putting them on the ground and I slyly turn and sneak away. I mean, what the fuck could I have said? "Sorry you knocked over your mailbox, you dumbass!" or "That's gotta suck, glad I didn't do that", I mean really.. I've got plenty of my own shit to deal with so I went in the house and of course grabbed the camera and when he went in snapped a great pic of it through the little window on the door, hehe....

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