
Aug 28, 2010 13:06

     Life is so funny. And when I say funny, I mean, literally funny and kind of...hmmm funny and ironic. Right now I find it odd, that it's actually cold in the house. o.o And it's cooling down. Time to break out the sweaters and hoodies Yay! I absolutely love fall! n_n I'm usually happier in the fall, not sure why. I'm going to get to my Fat Blast Kick Boxing Workout soon but I want to write just a bit more. It's so cold..weird! Well, I'll be warm soon.
    Now, I have a lot I'm wondering about. But one thing is, how do people afford things? I mean wow...Adam got married! And I'm like....O_O what? How?! I'm happy for him. Just amazes me how people can do, and get to do certain things. I can't even get a job. I need to try harder, I know. And I will soon. I better get to my workout now before I get too thinky and caught up in that. I may be back later.

1:19 am
  Ok so now it's later. My mood seems to have drastically changed and I don't know why. I admit to my moodyness and it bothers me. Just little stuff set me off and I got grouchy and the giggly happy me just took off. :( She'll be back later. I think I scare her away sometimes. *sigh* what is with me lately. Why can't I stay on an even keel?!  What does that word even mean? I use words thinking I know their meaning but maybe I don't. I don't know...a lot of times, I don't feel very intelligent most of the time. Not sure why I'm thinking about that. I guess I'm just tired. My mind/memory has NOT been working well lately. That bothers me too.
  People keep trying to give me advice and, although appreciated and I know they mean well, I kind of wish they'd stop. I say that because, I know what I'm doing, and I've thought it out, talked it out and prayed. I'm not a hormonally crazed teenager who doesn't know what their getting into. I don't know...makes me laugh some.  I'm enjoying my new video camera. Thought just came to me to name her, yes her, she's pink. And yes I'm stereotypical, I just don't see pink for guys. I'll think of a name. I know, I'm odd. I like naming things. My laptop is Ryuk, my bike is Sorcha, even Melissa's car is named Vinnie. lol I'm lame. Ok well I made a video tonight and I know, I look tired and such...but just wanted to get some stuff off my mind and ramble a bit. I realize...stress and lack of proper sleep is making me look old...especially under my eyes...ugh... I don't like that.

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