Jul 12, 2021 12:00
Feeling weary in between where you were, where you are, and where you think you are “supposed” to be? I call it the "no man's land" stage. An unoccupied Pilgrim's path of trusting the Lord when you see very little. This is what many run from.
Stay obedient, stay patient, and keep aligning your attitude with gratitude. You cannot get translated from Egypt to the Promised Land in a moment's time, but you can choose your attitude in the centre of it. The journey always has a process attached to it that is just as important as the destination. It is within the journey that you learn and grow. You learn who you truly are when things don't go your way, and you grow when you realise that God is doing more in your waiting than you could ever do in all of your striving.
I'm telling you, don't miss out on what He's providing you with today because you were too preoccupied worrying about how He'll get you through tomorrow. I know it's not "easy", but the good things worth incredible value, never really are.
Stay focused and enjoy this season. The journey in between is the waiting process, and the waiting process is what produces the only thing that truly pleases God: faith. Faith in His Word, His leadership, and His timing. Faith that will remind you in the days to come, that He was faithful to you then and He will be faithful to you again.
Ps 27:14 Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!
-- Amy Klutinoty: Painted Bear
• psalms,