Isaiah 66 "... they will come and see my glory."
◘ Written 600 BC
◘ Far-away lands:
Turkey / northwest Mediterranean / Greece
* a tough, challenging passage to read.
1. "those who survive the sign"
- The sign? ... Immanuel
2. "and they will bring all your people, from all the nations, to my holy mountain as an offering"
* complicated language - colonialism, appropriation, removal? as opposed to sharing the Gospel
Of its time?
◘ To present an offering to God at this time:
action is carried out in a temple or, on top of a mountain
◘ ESV: language of
brotherhood & fellowship
v.18 People are gathered back
- - same lang. as used in
Ezekiel 11 &
Ezekiel 36 v.22 - ref. to New Jerusalem safe
v.24 - 'dead bodies'
* surprising to find that included here
accustomed to concept of separation & division,
eg: Matt. 25:31 -33; 46 Sheep & Goats
◘ Hell - the absence of God's goodness
◘ God & sin cannot co-exist
* Jerusalem
Inside the City = Outside the city
safe rubbish heap;