Some places in which I find the lapse in moral code & integrity frustrating.
Some places where I just want to - "Yes! Exactly that!"
Some conversational places I know I've been before; oof.
- Kudos PWB.
. . . . . . . . . . .
So I read your book.
- Okay. Great.
Well, it’s got some great twists.
- True.
But I just... I couldn’t help /
- Come on, just spit it out!
... but notice one or two little inconsistencies.
- Okay, sure.
So, the world was made in seven days. And on the first day,
light came and then a few days later, the sun came?
- Yeah, that’s ridiculous.
But you believe that?
- It’s not a fact, it’s poetry. It’s moral code.
It’s for interpretation for us to help us work out God’s plan for us.
Do you think I should become a Catholic?
- No, don’t do that. I like that you believe in a meaningless existence.
And you’re good for me. You make me question my faith.
- I’ve never felt closer to God.
Do you ever have doubts?
- Yes, of course, every day. It’s part of the deal.
I just don’t think I could do it. Especially the…
- What?
The celibacy and... /
I just… I couldn’t give up sex for ever. It’s too… It’s just too…
- Celibacy is a lot less complicated than romantic relationships.
But what if you meet someone you like?
- I talk & drink & laugh & give them bibles & hope they eventually leave me alone.
What if you meet someone you love?
- We’re not going to have sex.
I know you think that’s what you want from me, but it’s not.
It won’t bring any good.
Well, it might… / - It won’t.
- I’ve been there many times. Before I found this. Many, many times.
How many times?
- Many.
I’d really like to be your friend, though.
I’d like to be your friend too.
(We’ll last a week. / What was that? Where did you just go?
... You just went somewhere. There. There.
Where did you just go? Nowhere.)
/ - Please don't come to the church.
I mean that with the greatest of compliments.
Do you really believe there’s a next life? ...
- Why?!
Why what?
- Why would you believe in something awful when
you could believe in something wonderful?