Definition of covenant
1: a usually formal, solemn, and binding agreement
Gen 13 Lot's unwise choice
- swayed by what looks good
rather than by what is wise
v.14: Covenant promise
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Gen 14
Abram's integrity
Mixed responses:
Salem: King Melched / Sodom: King Bera
Small army - courageous rescue mission
Acknowledges that Abram has been blessed by God,
is allied with God & does not want to be blessed by man
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Gen 15
God does not fail in His promises*
The fire pit?
- Serves as a stand-in as God cannot be seen (Heb)
- Visual sign of the Covenant
- Only God walks between the lines*
Abram believes - declared as righteous
- his fear, rather than doubt (v.8)
- Gal 3:15 - 22
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Gen 16God's mercy & compassion
His capacity to take our wayward plans & re-use them for good
The behaviours of
Blames God
Gives Hagar to Abram
Blames Abram
Mistreats Hagar
Despises Sarai
Flees from the camp
- - however,
Returns to the camp
Tells Abram of the angel
Acknowledges God
Accepts Hagar as his handmaid
Shuns responsibility
- - but,
Does name Ishmael as directed
Key Lessons:
- Humanity's desire for control
- Shortsighted / forgetfulness
... this is not long since the Promise
... also follows the waywardness in Egypt
- no lessons learnt from that?
- Sympathy: Sarai & Abram's response to God's plan & God's promise
- Handmaid: in keeping with cultural norms but not of God, God's plan
- Ishmael, considered by some to be originator of the Arab race
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Gen 17 " God puts the ‘ha’ into Abraham "
Gen. 12: first mention of the covenant
- 24 years have passed -
Gen. 19: Abraham is now 99 years old
Covenant: what’s changed this time?
- Blessing through Sarah: extended & included
- Mention of kings
- Use of “everlasting possession” (v.8 )
Previously Abram & Sarai were trying to fulfil what had been promised
- this time, it’s made clear & known with mention of Sarah & Isaac
17:1 "Almighty" - power & authority
Circumcision →
Paul’s comment (1 Cor 7:19)
Sign of the covenant || Covenant through Jesus
Obedience: across the whole of the household;
all men are involved & implicated in this.
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Gen 18 Sodom is where Lot chose to live
~ Abraham concerned for his nephew's well-being
v.18: Then the LORD said,
Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?
God's thoughts from the author:
- Plans revealed because of Abraham's status
- What kind of a leader is Abraham going to be?
(... 'are you going to follow your will or mine?')
- A character test? of integrity & compassion
- A pre-test to Abraham/Isaac (Gen )
v.25: Far be it from you to do such a thing...
Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?
- The first protoype of an intercessory:
appealing to God's graciousness & love
The back & forth conversational exchange
(father/son; teacher/pupil - indulging the younger)
- Abraham knows something of Sodom
but is pleading for Lot, for family
If Abraham is not causing God to change his mind
- what is the point in this?
- Abraham learning about the extent of depravity of Sodom
through the dwindling, ever-decreasing numbers
- prompted to meditate on God's justice
A reminder: the Covenant, God's promise of lineage
Genesis so far has been about the intended son & delay
- not just about the son but also the state of the world;
how much needs to change, come into line with God's plan
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Excerpt from The Message of Genesis ~ Joyce Baldwin
What has begun as intercessions turned into an urgent probing of the character of God. But this was the same God who had come to visit Abraham, so inviting him to converse with Him as a friend, and who shared with Abraham what He was about to do. The Lord not only tolerated his questions but, by revealing His intentions, positively evoked them. /
He welcomes the response we make, and wants to hear about our fears, misgivings and even our objections to what He seems to us to be doing. The Lord did not move off, but remained with Abraham whilst he framed his questions so that 'Abraham still stood before the Lord' (v.22)...
God is not far from each one of us.
This episode in Abraham's walk with God had yet more to tell us about prayer. We see how frank he was in expressing his misgvings... We cannot hide from [God] our true feelings and Scripture encourages us to voice them, albeit humbly, to God Himself. We also see that Abraham built his prayer upon what he knew of God's character, and argued on the basis of God's integrity...
God does not defend Himself to you and me. Instead He reveals Himself as the God who knows and cares, whose providential ordering of our lives shows beyond doubt that He is in control, and that 'He rewards those who seek Him' (Heb 11:6).
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Gen 21 Birth of Isaac
Gal 4:23: Ishmael // Isaac
human effort vs. faith
◘ Delay in Isaac’s arrival:
- More miraculous; praise to God
- Character building
- Challenges of time taken
/ battles won, land given to Abraham
Abraham & Sarah’s greater trust in God,
knowing He fulfils his promises
v. 1-7, Insight into God's character
gracious / faithful / steadfast
God’s promises:
What do we know to be true? What has God promised?
How do we know the specifics of God’s plan nowadays?
How do we reconcile thanking God for steadfast provision in times of actual, desperate need (eg: surgery, transplant, housing), when time appears to be running out?