Love Lent. #LiveLent

Mar 03, 2018 15:21

Ash Wednesday:

The life we live is not always beautiful or easy.
It is often dark. As we see within it the gift of God
and the beauty of God, we discern a light that
shines brightly & can never be put out.

Almighty God,
Whose Son Jesus Christ fasted forty days in the wilderness
and was tempted as we are, yet without sin:
give us grace to discipline ourselves in obedience to your Spirit;
and, as you know our weakness,
so may we know your power to save;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.



As we look at Jesus we see how life can be when it is lived to the full
- a life marked by trust & forgiveness, by prayer & faith,
by goodness & grace even when things are tough.


... Thy kingdom come.

Ask God to show you the unexpected life & beauty that, through his transforming presence, can be found within you & in others.


... Thy will be done.

Amid the fragility of life around you, offer a word of gentleness & strength.
Amid the darkness of life, be a presence that brings light & hope.

Make time today to live the unconditional gift of God's love.
In a relationship, seek simply to give, to love & not seek anything in return.

Today, try to be a visible sign of a life that is both forgiven & forgiving:
a word, a handshake, by picking up the phone.

In wisdom, love and gentleness, seek to draw out something new & life-giving from a person or situation you encounter.

Make time today to create some space for someone else.
Pause long enough to notice when someone is pushed out or pushed away and do something about it.

Be a breath of fresh air for someone & help them make a new start.  (Jn 3)

Offer a word today that encourages & welcomes. Start by listening.

Make time today to give someone a gift which brings refreshment.
Buy someone a drink. Stop & listen. Be open to starting a conversation about the love of God.  (Jn 4)

Step out in faith today. Take a risk for God & someone else. Build a bridge.
Ask for help. Offer to pray. Speak gently about your faith.  (Jn 4)

Don't be frustrated that others seem to find things easier, stand up & live your faith today as you are, the person God has made & loves .... thy will be done.  (Jn 5)

Make time today to feed another with food, love or kindness.
Offer what you have, even if it feels inadequate, with thanks & generosity. (Jn 6)

Give something away that you've been holding onto.
Would it be of more benefit to a foodbank, charity shop, friend or neighbour?  (Jn 6:10-14)

How might you, today, bring calm to a storm?
Where might an action say "do not be afraid"? (Jn 6)

In a world where so much is transient, make time to do something for someone else with a lasting consequence.

Make time today to live the reality of something Jesus said, to be a signpost to someone who is struggling to see the way to go.

Make some time to write down the story of your relationship with God, how it began, how it has grown, what it means today. Look for an opportunity to share the story.

Almighty God,
by the prayer and discipline of Lent
may we enter into the mystery of Christ's sufferings,
and by following in his Way,
come to share in his glory;
through Christ our Lord.



study notes, witness, prayer, • john's gospel, lent

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