Jul 10, 2007 13:56
This is the official Harry Potter book 7 prediction list.
"It's time to have a little fun with your predictions for Deathly Hallows (and put an end to all those pesky friends who keep telling you how much they can predict in the HP books). The rules are fairly simple - 101 questions worth 1 point each.
"After the release of Deathly Hallows, score your results as follows:
"Correct Points = Grade
0 - 20 pts = Troll
20 - 40 pts = Poor
40 - 60 pts = Acceptable
60 - 80 pts = Exceeds Expectations
80 - 101 pts = Outstanding"
1. Hogwarts will be closed for the entire year. False
2. Harry will enroll in Year 7 classes at Hogwarts. False
3. Ron will enroll in Year 7 classes at Hogwarts. False
4. Hermione will enroll in Year 7 classes at Hogwarts. False
5. Harry will take N.E.W.T. exams. False
6. Ron will take N.E.W.T. exams. False
7. Hermione will take N.E.W.T. exams. False
8. Harry will be Head Boy at Hogwarts. False
9. Ron will be Head Boy at Hogwarts. False
10. Hermione will be Head Girl at Hogwarts. False
11. Harry will teach Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. False (but the DA will make a reappearance)
12. The DADA teacher at Hogwarts will be [Percy]. (fill in the blank)
13. Harry's scar is a Horcrux. True
14. Nagini is a Horcrux. False
15. Slytherin's locket is a Horcrux. True
16. Hufflepuff's cup is a Horcrux. True
17. The locket that nobody could open at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place is a Horcrux. True
18. Harry will keep his Horcrux quest secret from the Order of the Phoenix. False
19. R.A.B. = Regulus A. Black. False
20. R.A.B. has already destroyed the locket-Horcrux. True
21. Voldemort already knows (by the end of Half-Blood Prince) that R.A.B. took the locket-Horcrux from the cave. True
22. Voldemort already knows (by the end of Half-Blood Prince) that Harry is seeking his Horcruxes. False
23. Albus Dumbledore is really dead. True :(
24. On top of the "Lightening-Struck Tower," Dumbledore was asking Snape to kill him. True
25. Dumbledore gave Snape the DADA position because he knew Snape would be leaving Hogwarts at the end of the school year. True
26. Dumbledore will communicate with Harry through his portrait in the Headmaster's office. False
27. Dumbledore will communicate with Harry through the Pensieve. True
28. Harry will use the Sorcerer's Stone. False
29. Harry will return to the Chamber of Secrets. True
30. Harry will be a Prisoner of Azkaban (or at least go there). True
31. Harry will use the Goblet of Fire. False
32. Harry will join the Order of the Phoenix. True
33. Harry will (intentionally) join forces with the Half-Blood Prince. True
34. Harry will visit a place called the Deathly Hallows. True
35. One of the Dursleys will learn to do magic. False
36. Petunia will (intentionally) give Harry vital information before he leaves Privet Drive. True
37. Ron and Hermione will be a couple. True
38. Harry and Hermione will be a couple. False
39. Harry and Ginny will get back together. True
40. Ron and Hermione have already kissed "off-screen" by the end of Half-Blood Prince. True
41. Sibyll Trelawney will make another real prophecy. True
42. Rufus Scrimgeour will be Minister of Magic at the end of Deathly Hallows. False
43. Harry will use the Mirror of Erised again. True
44. Harry will use the sword of Godric Gryffindor again. True
45. Harry will use the Sorting Hat. True
46. Harry will use a Time-Turner. False
47. Harry will use the two-way mirror that Sirius gave him. True
48. Harry's knowledge of Muggle artifacts will save him from imminent danger. False
49. Grawp will (intentionally) save Harry/Ron/Hermione from danger. True
50. The Weasleys' - now wild - flying Ford Anglia will play a significant role in saving and/or transporting Harry/Ron/Hermione. True
51. Aside from James, Lily, Harry, and Voldemort, there was at least one other person present at the Potters' house the night James and Lily died. True
52. Bill Weasley will become a full werewolf. False
53. How did James and Lily Potter acquire their small fortune? [Sirius](fill in the blank)
54. Snape is an Animagus. False
55. We will learn more about the relationship between Lily and Snape. True
56. A current member of the Order of the Phoenix will betray Harry. True
57. The Death Eaters will attack Privet Drive. True
58. The Death Eaters will attack The Burrow. True
59. The Death Eaters will attack during Bill and Fleur's wedding. True
60. The Death Eaters will attack Hogwarts. True
61. The Death Eaters will attack Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. True
62. Draco will abandon the Death Eaters. True
63. Peter Pettigrew, aka Wormtail, will abandon the Death Eaters. True
64. Snape will be openly allowed back into the Order of the Phoenix. False
65. Snape is truly loyal to: a
(a) Dumbledore
(b) Voldemort
(c) Neither
66. Dumbledore trusts Snape because: e
(a) Snape made a heartfelt apology
(b) Snape made an Unbreakable Vow
(c) Snape passed crucial secret information to the Order about Voldemort/Death Eaters
(d) Dumbledore had no hard evidence, he just wanted to give Snape the benefit of the doubt
(e) None of these, but we'll find out in Deathly Hallows
(f) We'll never know
67. Snape began working as a double agent for the Order: d
(a) Before the prophecy was made
(b) After the prophecy was made, but before James and Lily died
(c) The night James and Lily died
(d) After James and Lily died
68. Harry will use, or attempt to use, an Unforgivable Curse. True
69. Harry will use, or attempt to use, the Avada Kedavra Curse on Voldemort. False
70. Someone other than Harry will actually finish-off Voldemort, even though Harry will have done most of the work. (i.e. Darth tosses the Emperor, Gollum falls in with the ring.) True
71. The U.S. edition cover-art for Deathly Hallows, portrays the final showdown. True
72. The U.S. edition cover-art for Deathly Hallows, portrays Harry and Voldemort reaching for a Horcrux. True
73. Harry will destroy at least one Horcrux by sending it through the Veil. False
74. The Deathly Hallows is: d
(a) at Hogwarts
(b) in Godric's Hollow
(c) a graveyard
(d) beyond the Veil
(e) another name for Horcruxes
(f) none of these, but depicted on the US cover
75. The final showdown will be at: e
(a) the Deathly Hallows
(b) Hogwarts
(c) Azkaban
(d) Veil/Minitry of Magic
(e) Godric's Hollow
(f) The Underground Lake/Gringotts
(g) somewhere else
76. Harry will survive. False
77. Ron will survive. True
78. Hermione will survive. False
79. Ginny will survive. True
80. Neville will survive. False
81. Luna will survive. False
82. Hagrid will survive. True
83. Lupin will survive. True
84. Tonks will survive. True
85. Molly and Arthur will survive. False
86. Fred and George will survive. False
87. Bill and Fleur will survive. False
88. Percy will survive. False
89. Voldemort will survive. False
90. Snape will survive. True
91. Peter Pettigrew will survive. False
92. Bellatrix will survive. False
93. Lucius Malfoy will survive. False
94. Narcissa Malfoy will survive. True
95. Draco Malfoy will survive. True
96. Harry will become an Auror. False
97. Harry will become a professor at Hogwarts. False
98. Ron will become a professor at Hogwarts. False
99. Hermione will become a professor at Hogwarts. False
100. Neville will become a professor at Hogwarts. False
101. The final word of Deathly Hallows will be "scar." False
Yes, I'm a nerd. Prove you're as cool as me by responding with your own answers.