Oct 19, 2005 00:38
As I wrote in a text message to Lani while I was waiting for the show to start, I am the king of free street parking and getting tickets at the door. Fuck you and your 7 dollar "service charge", Ticketmaster.
Friggin' good.
Sam Beam, ay kay ay Iron and Wine?
Friggin' awesome. He even did "The Trapeze Swinger" from the In Good Company soundtrack, which made me very happy.
Calexico AND Sam Beam/Iron and Wine?
Ehhhhh... Hit and Miss. Some damned fine stuff and some kinda-put-me-to-sleep, long drawn out stuff.
Calexico and Sam Beam/Iron and Wine backed by a full band performing a cover of the Velvet Underground's "All Tomorrow's Parties"?
Ohhhhhhhh my goodness. I fucking pray for internet bootlegs.
...And to cap the whole thing off, I happened across a charming Boba Tea place that was still open at 11 on my way back to the car. Mmm, Taro Root.
Also, the girl working the counter was damned good-looking. Have you ever gotten the urge to just up and tell somebody they're really good looking, simply because by your standards they really and truly are?
...Well, that was one of those moments. Anyway, I'm gonna watch an episode or two of "Curb" and then sleep. I gotta go cancel a Kickboxing Center membership tomorrow morning, and for that I need my rest.