Filif (
have_wanderlust): 5,935 comments (45.38%), played since 2006-08-05 (882 days at 7 comments/day)
Mugen (
fangedbox): 6,022 comments (46.04%), played from 2006-11-05 to 2008-06-19 (592 days at 10 comments/day)
Will Stronghold (
likeamacktruck): 674 comments (5.15%), played since 2008-03-30 (279 days at 2 comments/day)
Petros Orsini (
godsmightyspear): 448 comments (3.43%), played since 2008-07-12 (175 days at 3 comments/day)
Total comment count: 13,079 since 2006-08-05 (882 days at 15 comments/day)
... it is a very strong sign of how little I play when my dropped character still has the most comments and comments/day stats. I. Where did my spam go?! I used to have the power!!
Thank you, Kyou~ Filif is going to be dropped soon. It's been a long time coming, and I've been trying to figure out when he's going to go. I feel his shtick has run its course, and I just feel kind of annoying and repetitive when I drop him on new characters, and I never feel like his interactions go very far because of that whole first impressions thing. I still love him, but I think I've drawn out the Talking Tree!111!! long enough and right now I have no energy or enthusiasm to keep going. So he'll be going home sometime.
Or at least, this is what I keep thinking. Because in reality, I don't really want to drop him even though he is basically completely inactive! No one would ever reapp him, so I don't feel ashamed at all on character-squatting, or whatever it's called. And. Well. First character. >: I've been wavering back and forth on dropping for months, and I just paid his account until February, so he might not be leaving yet.
Plans: . . . . activity?!?! Or drop?!?! Pick one!
Petros ... yeah no he's not going anywhere soon. My only guilt is that I think I play more or less exclusively with canonmates. It's. Well. I think I'm having the same problems with him that I had with Mugen! In that he's loud and brash and may bash your face in although he is not quite as bad as Mugen because Petros is selective on whose face he bashes. But I still have horrible fluttery feelings whenever I play him off someone whose reactions I don't have a canon basis for? Which I know is the whole point of rping with other people, and making enemies and or friends and you never know what's going to happen and it's fun! I just have problems playing that orz. I love my violent shounen retards, but I always have such confidence problems.
But when I do get him out, by God I love playing him. And the cast keeps getting bigger and I find his reactions to each new member hilarious. Therefore, I need to seriously get him out with non-canonmates and just not worry and have a ball. Dropping plans arrrre... nonexistent.
Plans: I HAVE A POST IDEA FOR THIS WEEKEND! Another eclipse post, but I will try to do it anyway. Thread with noncanonmates. Talk to Seth about that post idea? BE TORMENTED BY MIRKA MORE. ... think of something else not canonmate-related.
Will Stronghold is also not going anywhere. Filif is still and will always be my baby, but Will's moved into the primary spot - you can't tell by numbers, but he's always the one I think of throwing into a post first. He is by far my easiest to play! And there's something about being a dumb dorky teenage boy on the Internet that I just enjoy.
However, he has the complete opposite problem of Petros: I don't play with my canonmates enough. Like. ...I feel bad because it's been a really long while, and I can only pretend offscreen interaction so long. Will is a social kind of person! I should definitely thread with canonmates more when I see them. He also has no stable camp relationships other than the ... assumed canonmate ones. And that's just not cool. But SOMETHING HAPPENED TO ME. I am fearful of throwing my characters too often at other peoples' because I have ... dumb fears. They are very dumb and I don't know why I am mentioning them but I must STOP GIVING IN TO THEM and, I dunno, try to give him a friend.
tl;dr I lost my confidence sometime along the way and I'm trying to get it back. Slowly. Dropping plans? NEVERRRR... although I think that, after a time, I might get that stale feeling with him. He's been taken from an unspecified time after the canon, and he can't update any more. Which on the other hand gives me a lot of freedom buuuut - eh, I'm not feeling stale yet, so I'll think about that when it happens.
Plans: ....none at the moment. Make stable friendship?!? I have never run a post with him. Do that sometime? Plans: MAKE PLANS