Apr 11, 2005 21:49
Welp, it's about that time. Time for me to make an entry to express my sentiments of sheer frustration... No, scratch that... My sentiments of disappointment... Well... No, fuck that too... I'm writtin' 'cause my ass is damn sick of being raped by cock juggling thunder cunts. You know the ones I'm talking about, actually, no you don't. But that's ok, I'll enlighten you so I will NOT burst a blood vessel, so I will NOT go postal, so I will NOT have a nervous breakdown as to how the FUCK I'm going to pull off community college this summer.
Ya know, after you work at a place of employment for three years, no complaints, do your job and do it well, try your damnedest to go the extra MILES (plural), you would think you would have a smidgen of quote/unquote "job security". Just a little extra note in the back of your employers head that, when the season for outdoor pools is fast approaching, they should give you a quick phone call to see if you are, in fact, interested in being employed at their snobby ass pool for the fucking summer. You WOULD think that after hearing that you are valued HIGHLY as an employee the previous year and that they, your employer, are looking forward to having you back next summer you might actually have a... Oh what is that thingy called... Oh right, A FUCKING JOB.
But how silly of me! I forgot, petty selfishness and moral corruption tend to flow through the viens of this community like STD's in a Vietnamese whore. Oops! My bad! You guys and gals obviously forgot about the 6'6" sasquash that DID his part as well as a lot of other peoples parts most of the time... See, here's the pulse. And this is your finger, far away from the pulse, jammed straight up your ass. Say, would you like a chocolate covered pretzel? I mean, what more could I expect from a community that thinks that money made from the actual pool/tennis club facilities should be sat on to make the Jewbie Kikes feel better about themselves having some money to throw around when needed.
So here's to you, all of you, that made it possible for me to have no secured, DECENT paying job for the summer. Lemme spell this out for ya... YMCA paycheck, AT ITS BEST, is 350 bucks every two goddamn weeks. Gas, 100 for two weeks (and rising). Health insurance, 40 for two weeks. Food, yes I pay for my own food fuckers, 60 for two weeks. Car insurance, pending on how gracious my parents are, but let's assume it doesn't change in price, 60 for two weeks. Therapy, pending my parents remain gracious by paying for half, 55 every two weeks. TUITION FOR FORSYTH TECH, WHICH IS ON ME NOT MY PARENTS.... Oh wait, I DON'T GET PAID ENOUGH TO GO TO A FUCKING COMMUNITY COLLEGE.
Not a fancy school. Not Duke or UNC or Wake. Shit, not Charlotte or Greensboro or App. NOT EVEN FUCKING WESTERN CAROLINA. A community college, the bottom of the list, cheapest of the cheap is not even cheap enough for me at this point...
So once again, thank you, you dyslexic labotomy patients. You rectal-guzzling fucktards. You hemorrhoid-chewing douche-bags. You captains of cock swallowing, caesars of syphilus, you cock jockey commandors. Hats off to all of you.. Fuckers.