Nov 12, 2009 06:43
I've been meaning to do this for a while, since a small job a few days ago...
I've just taken up part time in Maintenance, so if anyone needs anything fixed, I'll do my best to help out. I'm also keeping my job as a scavenger, since those two seem to go well together.
- Stigmata
... Also, Fred? Is everything okay now?
brb pulling a subaru,
bad habits ahoy,
aw he's shy,
hurf durf,
jesusfish needs a little direction,
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"I will carry this for you, lady. You may carry the large object."
"Honestly, Kindred, I admire you very much, but neither the device or the chest are very heavy."
"Which is why it is no trouble for me to carry the chest. Come, we waste time."
[And he runs off, leaving her to grab the dowsing rod and the painting, then follow him downstairs. They both get outside of Section 1 housing, then start laying things out for Stigmata to see.]
He sees someone though, and it might possibly be her.]
These are the items I found in the Scrapyard. No one seemed interested in them, but perhaps they will be if the items are repaired.
They seem okay. They need to be fixed, but yeah, they look okay to me.
[Points to the dowsing rod] And I have no idea what that is - do you?
The tiger nudges him in the back.]
What is wrong?
Nothing. It's just... [He looks up to Serenity.] I don't know, but it's not a normal thing.
Is it a magical device, then? Does it channel magic, or perhaps has magic of its own yet untapped?
[He holds it in his palm, ignoring the ringing in his ears. It was just a low, continuous hum now, not anymore a sharp pain like before. Unconsciously, he rubs his ear with the free hand.]
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