(no subject)

Feb 03, 2008 20:28

What level do you play in guitar hero?
I don't know, I've actually never played.

Are you In a relationship? Not at the moment.

Are you wearing jeans right now? Nope I'm wearing PJ pants.

Where is your dad? Watching the SuperBowl, probably at his house.

Do you live with both of your parents? Nope just my mom.

Do you think too much or too little? Both. Sometimes I over analyze and can't stop thinking about stuff, sometimes I just push it away and don't deal with stuff.

Do you smile a lot? I try.

What is the price of gas where you live? 2.97ish. Too much. Though I did get it for 2.94 out by 75 today.

What was the last compliment you received, and when? Hmmm... I think Sam told me she liked my shirt yesterday? And everyone said nice things about my car this weekend :)

Have you ever rode in a plane? Yes. And that question is grammatically incorrect.

Are you for or against abortion? As a personal statement, against, but I can see where some people try to justify it.

Do you prefer call or text? Text for quick stuff, call for real conversations.

Do you have any siblings? A brother and a lovely sister in law.

Are you close with them? Yeah, I love them. Haven't seen enough of them lately though.

How many people do you trust 100%? Very very few. Maybe 2 or 3.

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? It's an Apollo Staff shirt.

Do you go to church? Ehhh no... I really need to find a home church.

Are Chuck Norris jokes funny? To an extent.

What's the last movie you saw in the theater? The Great Debaters.

Can you live without the computer? I wouldn't want to, but I could.

When was the last time you got flowers? My birthday this year? Sam bought me some. I think.

Who was the last person you laid in bed with? Jenna Davis.

Whats your middle name? Michelle.

How big is your bed? Double.

Ever get so drunk you couldn't remember the entire night? No, not the entire night, but some moments are hazier than others... that was a long time ago though.

Can you play any instruments? Ummm I used to play clarinet I'm not sure how good I'd be at it now though.

Favorite flower? Gerbera Daisy.

Have you ever loved someone? I love a lot of people.

Do you have a tattoo? Sure do.

Are you hiding something from someone? Yeah, probably.

Thing you can't live without? My friends/family.

What was your first thought when you looked in the mirror this morning? Why is this thing attacking my nose?

Do you like to have long hair or short hair? When it's short, I want it long; when it's long, I want it short.

Do you belive theres always room in your heart for your first love? I don't think I'll every stop caring about him.

Have you memorized your social security number? Sure have.

Who is your favorite family member? I love them all but my cousin Allie makes me smile the most.

Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Because. I don't really have a good reason.

When was the last time you cried? About a week ago.

Have you ever gambled in a casino? Yep... won a couple hundred at Hard Rock.

Have you ever had your heart broken? Yes.

How many texts did you receive today? 5 or 6 probably.

Do you tend to make relationships complicated? I used to, I'm learning not to.

Why did you last cry? II made a dumb decision and immediately regretted it.

Name someone whose name starts with the letter "A".  Alan.

Do you trust people easily? Nope not at all.

Do you think you'll be married in 10 years? Hopefully otherwise I'll be close to marrying my back up.

Do you plan on moving out within the next year? Yesssssss

Where were you at 9pm last Friday night, and with who? At work with Joey, Alvin, Steven, Larry and Brian. (I just noticed that they're all guys. Weird.)

What happened at 10:00 am today? Jenna and Sam and I went to Panera.

Is your family just a bundle of fun? Most of the time.

Do you laugh at all the wrong times? Sometimes, usually I just get quiet.

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