here's something I haven't seen in a while. If I was less lazy, maybe I'd try and look up my old post with the ranking I had back in the day, but I think we can all rest assured that back then, Yamapi was number one. But now, let's just say that I knew before I started who the top five would be. ^_^'' And then Koyama is number six, and Yamapi is number seven, haha. Things sure have changed since the last time I did this~
Anyway, happiness meme day 4!
-Used the Subway gift card I got from my grandparents. They have *such good* chocolate chip cookies, you guys. :D
-Got a price adjustment for Animal Crossing for the Wii, which I bought last week for my brother and went on sale this week. I got ten bucks back! ♥
-Also was able to return the way-too-small sweater my mom gave me. Yay for store credit at Ross? ^_^''
-It was really nice outside today. It was warm, even. I drove with my window down~ ♥
-A really awesome Sakumiya pic spam I stumbled across earlier.
-Catching Steph online again! And us trying to suck each other into our respective fandoms. XD
-Yuri got her Japanese cell phone! So now we can communicate more easily, since she can e-mail me from her cell phone~ And I am so jealous of her awesome Japanese emojis.
-Finished the book I was reading. It was quite good. ^_^ Time to finally finish Brisingr, which I got derailed from like two months ago... -_-''