I got out of class early, which means my normal break is even longer than usual. Yay~ :D And it's the last day of classes! Just a couple of finals next week and then I can slack off properly. XD
Anyway, since I have the time, I might as well play with
this. I am amused by the Aiba Engrish that is in some of these. I saw "You like bird?" and "you are wait." XD
Ohno / Nino / an attitude is a terrible thing to waste
Takki / Aiba / smeared eyeliner (Ahaha so true.)
Takki / Ohno / look what I caught!
Nino / Tegoshi / the trials and tribulations of experiencing puberty under the public eye (AHAHAHA)
Koyama / Shige / strawberry-scented lip gloss
Massu / Uchi / if you're a breast man, then why aren't you dating Yamapi? (Okay, I don't care about the Massu x Uchi part, but LOL, seriously)
...Okay, I'm done. XD