Hiatus is offically over!

Jul 29, 2008 22:02

So I'm really back now! A few of you got comments from me before I went camping, but now I'm really back, haha. Man, I have lots to catch up on on my flist. But I'll get there.

So what can I say about CIY... CIY is the camp my church's youth group goes to. It was at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, which is only like half an hour from Pismo Beach, so we got to go to the beach one day, which was pretty sweet! It's different from Hume in that there's a lot less emphasis on recreation and, like, physical activities and stuff- understandably, cuz Hume is in the mountains and CIY is on college campuses. But CIY is cool because it gives a lot more opportunity for the kids to learn and grow spiritually. A lot of the kids- and us leaders too- experienced some pretty intense stuff- there was one night in particular where it was so evident to me that God was right there in the room. Some of them were dealing with some pretty hardcore stuff in their lives, which came up at various times, and started working through it. I had one really intense conversation, and I know that other leaders had lots of pretty intense converations too. Anyway, it really seems like the kids learned a lot. Another cool thing about CIY is that it gives a lot of time for the youth group to kind of spend time together and bond, which was really cool because the youth group was kind of divided before, but by the end of the week, kids were friends with people that they'd never even talked to before, and it really seemed like the whole group got closer. It even goes for me, cuz there were a lot of kids, especially the incoming freshmen, that I didn't know before, but now I've gotten to know them and I like them a lot. For the most part, they're great kids, lots of fun to hang out with. I really felt like I was where I needed to be last week, with those kids. Even though it was really tiring, I'm really glad that I went.

As far as camping, it was nice. Not too much to report, cuz we more or less spent the whole time just chilling at our campsite. I didn't even really feel like swimming, but the fact that yesterday there were people looking for a body right by the swimming area kinda made us not want to go. ^_^'' So I spent most of the day taking a nap, reading New Moon, and playing games with my family. It was quite a nice, relaxing trip, which was good after CIY, which was super busy all day long.

And that brings me back here, with lots of fandom and dramas and such to catch up on. Must dl next episode of Maou...

church, family, real life

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