OMG FANDOM. And real-life イケメン as well.

May 22, 2008 01:40

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Another cute Tegomasu song. I love their harmony. This PV is pretty cute too although I don't think that Tesshi has ever looked more like a woman. Although the little girl totally ditched the little boy at the end. Sad. Why you gotta mess with his emotions, Tegoshi and Massu?

I also feel the pressing need to share a couple of these scans that I just got from kattunlove. Seriously.

...Yeah, I'm pretty sure I almost died. I spazzed more than I usually do when I see scans. Jin is seriously hot. Especially that first one.

...Which brings us to this past evening. Karen and Jamie came over, and then, along with my brother, his friend, and my parents, headed to YogYog. Well, I don't know if any of you remember me spazzing about this super-hot guy I saw there a while back, but OMG HE WAS THERE AGAIN. Karen, Jamie and I were reduced to giggling schoolgirls. It was absolutely ridiculous, and yet fantastic. I like how it took my dad like 20 minutes to catch on. We were so painfully obvious. But seriously. As Jamie and I agreed, he's pretty much the most gorgeous guy we've ever seen in real life. AND HE WAS THERE FILLING OUT AN APPLICATION. Jamie and I will be going to YogYog every day from now on. Yes.

We then proceeded to go back to my place (after we fortunately calmed down a bit) and watched the Kurosagi movie. It was interesting in its own right, and in some ways well done and in others not so much (what's up with Japanese movies and long awkward silences where nothing's going on?). Yamapi was as amazingly hot as ever, but the down side is, nothing at all is resolved! NOTHING. THE MOVIE IS VIRTUALLY POINTLESS. Okay, I'm being dramatic, but still. Haha. But it's still totally worth watching, I promise! Oh, and Jamie, it was subbed by newshfan, who I absolutely recommend adding. :D And if you want to keep up on other JE releases, like PVs and Shonen Club (and other random stuff that she uploads), you can always add hotakky. Unlike communities, no digging through piles of junk to get to the good stuff. Anyway, we all had good times. And we got to witness Jamie's dance to welcome the night. You had to be there. It was fantastic.

Anyway, I should probably head to bed. Later, all, and good luck to those of you who are still finishing up finals!

Oh, and whoever it was who wanted it, remind me to upload the Nobuta OST! If anyone wants the Kurosagi movie OST (which is really good), I can upload that as well. Only if anyone actually cares though. ^_^''

friends, music, fangirling, news, movies, bakanishi, real life

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