Mar 04, 2008 22:50
Too much schoolwork to do lately. *sigh* No time to LJ. So I'm going to briefly summarize the last few days, and as for checking my flist...hopefully tomorrow or Thursday. ^_^''
So Sunday was pretty cool, cuz we had a youth staff meeting after church, and I found out some pretty interesting stuff. My church is totally going broke, and although Josh (my youth pastor) couldn't say much about it, it doesn't look like we'll be in our current building much longer. But that's okay, cuz we'll take things as they come. Anyway, Josh is working on kind of figuring out how we can do what we're already doing with the youth group, but doing it better. For my part, I'm stepping up by getting more involved in the high school core group (small group Bible study type thing on Tuesday nights). Josh and I are going to take turns teaching the lessons, and since Josh's wife Ashley is due to have a baby next month and their house is gonna be crazy (they already have two little boys), I volunteered to have core group at my house from now on, which looks like it's gonna work out. Cool. I am pretty excited about being involved in the youth group. Like, it feels right that I'm there, and I'm getting more and more comfortable with the kids all the time. Ashley even told me that it's been good having me in core groups, cuz I have good insights or something like that. Overall, a very encouraging meeting. Then I went to work, which wasn't too bad, cuz they had to let me go before 9:45 or I would've hit my fifth hour, which is a big no-no. Score.
Yesterday, other than going to Japanese in the morning, going to work, and the normal stuff like eating and taking a shower, I spent my entire day reading The Hobbit, since I had to be done with it by today. I read somewhere around 150 pages yesterday, and finished up the book today before my Tolkien class. The thing is, though, I really wasn't suffering, because I adore the book, and it's been a long, long time since I read it. Oh, and I also did a little studying for the culture and listening tests for Japanese, and Randy came over briefly to use my laptop to do the same. As payment (and since he'd just come from work), he brough me sesame chicken from Osaka, which I ate for lunch today. ♥ ♥ ♥ A good trade, I think. I love all the food from Osaka. Seriously. So おいしい.
Today was school all day. So busy. I ditched my children's lit class, cuz it was only presentations and I already did mine, and like I said, I had to finish up The Hobbit. (I totally owned the quiz we had on it, by the way.) And during my lunch break, rather than chilling like I usually do, I helped Sacchan edit a song translation for the J-club Culture Night, which I didn't mind doing at all. Might as well put my English major skills to use, right? Besides, since I can't be in the play or anything, I want to help out where I can. Anyway, after school, I pretty much came home, studied Japanese, and went to youth group. Then I came home, studied Japanese a bit more, and now I think I'm pretty much good. Just a little kanji and vocab review in the morning and I should be fine. (Although I'm a tiny bit worried about the kanji, but I think I'll be okay...) And after I finish this post, I'ma go to bed, earlier than usual, since I was up extra late last night reading The Hobbit, plus with my busy day, I am beat. So hopefully soon I can catch up on my flist, cuz I've probably missed some new activities with NEWS and stuff, and that just can't be allowed to continue.
And I am too lazy to cut today. I rambled a bit, like always, but it's not that long, right? :P
real life