Stupid YouTube nazis...

Oct 20, 2009 00:42

So yesterday I overheard a couple of coworkers talking and heard an interesting tidbit of information, which my friend (who is pre-nursing) confirmed: apparently soy promotes estrogen and inhibits testosterone, for which reason guys are told not to eat too much of it, because it will, frankly, make them more feminine. When I found this out, I was like, IT ALL MAKES SENSE.

For those who are not following, think with me here for a second: a major staple of Japanese food is soy. This includes tofu, miso, and soy sauce, to name a few. So basically, Japanese people eat soy all the time.

...I rest my case. Sorry, Jun. You were the randomly selected victim. It could have been any number of idols, really.

Also, I know I already posted this on Twitter, but I feel like sharing it here as well, because I just love UVERworld that much. Aaaaand I was about to link to their new video, Kanashimi wa kitto, but apparently it was already removed from YouTube. ALAS. So, uh, download it when it comes out, I guess? DDD: It's an awesome song, I promise. Also, apparently they're coming out with a Best album? :D I don't actually own any of their music, so I think I might have to make that happen, since they're one of my favorite bands.

In other news, I just watched the first episode of Ohitorisama, in which Koike Teppei is the male lead. The synopsis sounded a lot like Kimi wa Petto to me: older, independent career woman; young, attractive guy; the two bond; etc etc. Of course, in this drama they're high school teachers (Teppei's character being a brand-new teacher who was a フリーター before), and, well, he's not her pet. BUT I really liked it; the end was really sweet and made me smile quite a lot. Also, I was thinking that the opening theme was really awesome and was wondering who sang it...and in the end credits, turned out it was Big Bang. XD I think I'm subconsciously becoming a fan.

Let's see, what else am I doing with my life? I started the third Artemis Fowl book today, and am enjoying it thus far. The second book was hard to get into, since it spent like half the book just setting up the plot; since this one jumped into the action right away, I like it even more, I think. Not the best YA fantasy I've ever read, but it's still a fun read. Oh, and today I got the official letter from Wells Fargo that I have to start repaying my student loans. BUT my payments are only like $50 a month! I can totally handle that. Thank goodness~

...I am apparently incapable of writing short entries. I'm done now. XD

teppei, books, random, dramas, school, real life

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