It's kinda long and stupid, so I cut it in case people don't want to read it.
So I called my Mom tuesday night, and she didn't answer. A few minutes later, my phone rings. I answer it quickly, expecting to to be her. Instead, I hear this small voice.
"Hi miss 'Nae. I miss you. When are you coming to visit." I talked to her for a few minutes, not getting much more out of her. Then, with an "I love you," she handed the phone to her brother.
Since he's a little older, he told me that he didn't like school, he liked his old one better, but that he too wanted me to come visit. Tomorrow. I had to explain that I would come visit, but I wouldn't be able to do it tomorrow. Thankfully, he handed the phone to his dad with another "I love you" before I started to cry.
Kevin then proceeds to tell me that the reason they called, and Kerah was first on the phone is that she was walking around all day talking to me on her plastic play phone. She kept asking her mom how to give me directions to their house from various places.
Kevin handed the phone to Natasha, who told me that they would definitely see me when they were here for Kevin's graduation in December, especially if I couldn't make it down to Tampa before Christmas.
The only Pittle I didn't get to talk to was Jonathan,
But strings of baby talk weren't worth the cell minutes. Instead, Natasha gave me all the news she could think of about him.
I got off the phone with them sniffling and looking to see how much it would cost to fly to L.A. for Thanksgiving. Too much to be feasible, just in case you're wondering. But I miss that family more than I can possibly say. I thought it was hard when they moved to Tampa last year. But they were right down the street from my Dad and I saw them whenever I went home, which was a lot because of my gramma being sick. But I haven't seen them in 5 months. 5 months! How does time pass that fast? Hopefully the next 2 months goes just as fast until I can see them again.