I really am too lazy to post something about the spring break trip, like an overview or something, so everybody can just read
Benjamin's LJ On another note...:
Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: Ice Cream and Cookies
Would love nothing better than to eat them both non-stop.
Literary: eroti...err... Computer something Only a complete nerd would have at least 5 books on computer programming/historyAudiovisual: Educational I could honestly amuse myself watching the History and Discovery Channels.
Musical: Nobuo Uematsu I have 92 tracks (4.4 hours) of video game music; 'nuff said.
Celebrity: Ignorance I could identify most celebrities (Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, etc. are indistinguishable).
Now I tag:-
eh me dont wantto and
copy to complete this same Quiz, Its