Feb 27, 2006 16:13
I have been having the craziest dreams. A lot of them include the ocean and weather changes. For example, last night I had a dream last night about watching snow fall and the ocean. I can't seem to figure out why they are scaring me so much, or why they are so intense, but none the less they are interesting. I am fully aware of how to lucid dream, but these dreams are much different. I can't seem to control anything that goes on in them. I couldn't stay sane in my last dream and I begged everyone in my dream to help me, or I would kill someone. I kept telling myself in the dream that I was ok and that I was sane, and kept trying to change the mode but it didn't work. It was almost as if I was stuck in another realm. The baby was even sleeping next to me and I couldn't wake up for his cry; I heard it but I couldn't wake up. Well thanks for letting me rant. And thanks for listening if anyone actually reads this.