God Laughs At Me (cont.)

Sep 14, 2005 20:11

Anyways, where was I in my last journal? Oh right. I have just figured that out. And I think I just might be able to deal with it. Unfortunately for me, it is too late to save the old case as he has found someone else. At least he's happy. But that leaves me where? I've decided that I don't desperately need a boyfriend, more as I want one. But I must wait, and work on my present issues, so that way I don't run away again.
Oh, I found my remote last night too. It was in the same place I looked about 50 times before, behind my VCR. I think Dad found it when he was taking apart my bed and tossed it in there and forgot about it.
I have just put in 2 hours of work for my mom, been told that none of the expenses that my glasses will cost have been at all worked off, and now must buy them myself. At least now she's offered to take me to the damn store to buy a pair. Hopefully I will have enough for SAT and Prom expenses. I've gotten Mom to buy my the year book for Christmas (my dad won't).
I end this entry (which is a continuation of the last one if any of you were confused) by saying, I see dead people! There is a walking corpse!
Kathy knows what I am talking about. Now I must call Andrew, then Justin, then Scott. Busy busy busy.

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