Oct 05, 2004 23:46
ah geez, feeling pretty funny right now. just finished watching the vice-presidental debate. good god of all creation that was great. cheney kicks majormus buttamus. that sucker knows all. i guess being in this business for so long you happen to pick up stuff. and i'd have to say, edwards had some serious guts to say some of the stuff he said. talking about the bush admin. on flip flopping(also noting that it was edwards that brought up 9/11 and the flip floppin issues first) after 9/11. saying how at first, they were against homeland security, but then for it. same with something on national security. but it all realism, its not like the bush team did this in a matter of like a day, and kept doing for a week. its ok to change your position like once when in any polictical role, no matter what role, all the way down to mayor or w/e. but, kerry team just abuses it. a good week or 2 ago, in an earlier speech, kerry talked about being for the war and all that jazz......later that night on the letterman show, he's anti-war. and i even have it taped on like, 4 different occasions thru out this campaign that he has changed positions. so, i thought that was pretty gutsy of edwards to even bring up flip flopping.
you know also makes me tick. every time somebody has to talk about, not just kerry, but bush's military record. "kerry is such a great leader, leading his men in battle in vietnam!". blah blah blah. and now we got to bring up bush's record. what do i care what they did so many years ago? whats that going to do for me now? and those false documents on bush are great, good try guys. must really be getting worried or something...hmmmm. i want to see what who is going to do now. and it'd be good if you got a little more detailed in what you were telling me. i mean, the whole hope theme you guys at the kerry team is great and all, but i'd really love to know how your going to fit everything you say into 4 years. argh, and then when you guys talk about unity? give me a break. right after saying that, you go about talking about the black vote, the gay vote, the hispanic vote, womens vote, the jewish vote. i thought you just said we were all one here? did i miss something? and aparently to the kerry campaign, the only allies were allowed to have must be germany, france, and russia. they dont give a rats behind about the other 30 countries working with us. i am sure there going to be all open arms if they get the oval office. rrrrrrright, they just totally ignored us and spitted on us during there campaign. that also really ticks me off when they talk about us not having a coalition during this war, of course this kind of talk is when there for the war and want to stop terrorism. this the largest coalition in any friggin war! and you say were alone in it???? how do you think you make all the other countries about you? and the economy is doing fine. its rising. of course my bro knows about that than me. being the economist and all that he wants to be. so i can trust his word that it is doing good and rising. right now it may be low, but in the long run, it'll climb back up. so yea.....i wanna be a polictian when i grow up!
okey dok, well thats been my day. well, i havent totally thought about politics, only until the debate came on. had my wellness test. judgement day is thursday and not looking forward to it. of course i dont look forward to any judgement days. rehearsals are going fine i guess. didnt exactly get anything accomplished today. just alot of talking. shot out a monologue. listened to songs we would be singing. i am going for a solo, wish me luck tomorrow. send a prayer. then on thursday i'll have my acting material ready. hopefully. tomorrow night is also student night at oct, so i pray to the gods and there gods that dollface will show up. seems like i havent seen her in forever. so yea, thats my week. hows yours?