Feb 27, 2024 05:45

The nature of being “in the Kingdom” includes grace and mercy for deluded error. But formulaic assurance of Kingdom citizenship based on formulaic herding tactics needs to be dismantled as an immigration processing strategy. There’s a “more” needed for fully loaded citizenship in the kingdom of heaven.

Distilled and formulaic evangelism promotes deception. But this deception is not something our Shepherd can’t work with.

Those who seek him will find him.

We long for clarity and quick easy answers. And quick self assured solutions.

Jesus refused to answer anyone’s ransom demands or yes/no witness stand interrogations. Telling parables instead about who is my neighbor or what it means to abide in the vine.

Those who hear his voice don’t fill out decision cards and move on.

They follow. They sow. They seek.

We seek. We come in and go out and find pasture.

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