Feb 05, 2005 23:18
Well, things are looking up. I got my job back so I worked today at the Burger King in Nora. *Looks over and Hope jumps into her water bowl* .... Right. *Then Hope attacks paper plate*.... Um. Anyway, yes after work I went to ISSMA (Indiana State School Music Association.) Contest. I had worked on my solo so much yesterday night. I was so worried that it would be ruined. Well, it wasn't. I played with the ensemble first. We messed up badly.. well to me. But..... OUR GROUP GOT GOLD AND WE'RE GOING TO STATE COMPETITIONS! Woot woot! *Dances* Freshmen going to state is a big thing. I'm wearing all my metals tomorrow. My solo, which I have been working on for a long while, was pretty good today. Perfect.. no. But, good. Better I should say. And guess what? I got gold! I was like O.O!!!! My friend hugged me and we were happy. Afterwards, they took me bowling with the GS, even though I didn't have any money. Since my mom filed bankrupt, it's hard to have money. They take most of her check. Eh, I had fun. I suck at bowling though. Oh wells. It was funny. After we bowled, we went outside and talked for awhile. These two teens were making out behind this pole and we keep nagging them in our conversation about how they were feeling on each other. I know they were because the girl kept pulling her shirt down and then she zipped up her jeans. Then they'd go back to kisisng. I was like O.O Gosh.. aren't your tongues tired yet? Well, yeah, I won't go into details but we kept making fun of them and they stopped doing naughty things and left. Well, my night was fun.. was yours? I guess I spoke too soon. No, I won't put anything negative here. I won't let anyone screw up my perfect day.. forget that! Well, later...
Love Life, Live It..