Jul 21, 2011 15:15

Welcome to godsandheroes, a community where you will find all of thor's recent work. Click here to follow my work and feel free to take a look around, but don't forget to follow the rules while doing so.

All I ask is for you to follow these few simple rules below, nothing too outrageous, just common courtesy.
➸ No hotlinking. Save graphics to your own computer and upload them to your own server.
➸ Absolutely no editing, textless icons are not bases. These graphics are made by me and I would appreciate it if you didn't edit them in any way.
➸ You must credit either thor or godsandheroes in your keywords or comments for icons and in your user info for headers and other graphics.
➸ Please be respectful. If you don't like my stuff, don't post awful comments unless I ask for criticism.

If you would like to promote, please grab a button or banner below and copy & paste the codes below into your profile, entry or website. Thank you!

!community rules, !important

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