Gah, I'm a terrible journal writer. I used to be diligent in it, but as of late I've neglected this thing far too much. I've even considered deleting this one and striking up a brand new one just to get that desire to write pumping again. But that would be a waste. There's nothing wrong with this journal. I just need some damn motivation.
I always say I'll start writing again then fail to keep my promise.
I've been wondering if anyone even reads this old thing anymore. Enemies of mine used to read it even. I wonder how they're doing. I guess I shouldn't call them enemies anymore. I doubt most of them even remember me from so long ago. They've probably forgotten about me. I don't really feel any hatred for them anymore either. I'm sure they're still bitches and assholes, but they're not bothering me personally anymore so there's no need to hold grudges unless they do something to me again.
Speaking of which, even though I still don't like what she did to me, there is one person in particular I think about from time to time. Mostly I can't forget about her because she wrote her name on my car's back window a long, long, long-ass time ago and to this day, when it's rainy out her name still appears in the condensation that collects on that window. I've washed that window a bunch of times trying to get it to disappear but it doesn't matter. I guess her name is stuck there until the window is a pile of shattered glass in a dump somewhere (after it finally breaks down on me for good). Of course, she wrote that there back when we were friends. I saw it the other day when it was raining outside and I couldn't help but wonder if she'd find that funny or not.
In other random thoughts, I witnessed this yesterday: It was a bitch to drive through that. I live a few blocks away from where it all took place too. Imagine 3,000 people wandering around your neighborhood. I almost ran over a few, because they were crossing the street while the cross-walk sign wasn't lit up. I swear, they were asking to be killed wearing all black and at sunset. I didn't participate. The friend I was driving home filmed a little bit of it so I may post that later on.
Things I need to do VERY soon: take paperwork to social services, do paperwork in order to take summer classes, fill out my FAFSA for next academic year, make an advisement appointment so I can register for classes on time, write two major papers that are due this month, catch up on my work for one of my classes that I've been neglecting a little, write Dairy Queen an angry letter for giving the Canadians the Rolo Blizzard for this month's Blizzard of the Month instead of the US, prepare for the worst case scenario that my cat Luna might have chronic conjunctivitis in which I'll have to give her meds for the rest of her life for it, and KILL ALL HUMANS. ... Okay, that last one was a joke. ... Kind of. >.>