Wow, Another Virginia Tech Post

Apr 19, 2007 15:50

My comments relate to the recent news about the shooters video tape that was broadcast on NBC. Again, I don't think I need to provide a link, I'm sure you can find one on your own.

I'm not going to approach the subject of if showing this guys tape was ethical or not. I would hope that as rational thinking adults we can all exercise our right to turn off the TV. The news media does make a point to warn us of the graphic content before a sensitive news story.

The topic I want to bring to the discussion that people keep mentioning and will find correlation with other similar tragedies, and that's two things:

1.) The media aired what this psycho had to say.


2.) That he idolized the psychos who did Columbine back in '99.

My comments on this, as far as giving other psychos a legacy is this: It doesn't matter who's awful messages we put up on the news feed, somebody mentally ill enough to cause the tragedy that's happened in Virginia and in other places, will find an idolization that's their inspiration.

Doesn't matter who it is. A school shooter. Hitler. Marilyn Manson. Jesus. The Easter Bunny.

What you people ALL fail to see is that it's not the fact that these objects of idolization aren't the reason these people cause these horrible massacres. Again, it's because they are sick.

For whatever reason, they identify with one particular thing and they associate it as encouragement for their behavior.

You think the Columbine kids would have agreed with this guys pain? Probably not. From what I understand, the Columbine kids would have probably blew this guys brains out because they were terrible racists.

It's a similar tragedy, but I don't think that the past tragedy is cause or inspiration for this most recent one. This guy probably came to his conclusion far before he picked up those two morons as idols.
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