PUBLIC POST: Fandom Retiree/Sabbatical

Apr 05, 2006 01:58

So I suppose I had to accept it sometime. I've pretty much retired from fandom...or at the very least I am on something of a sabbatical. :(

I really loved being a part of everything in the HP fandom--it is wonderful, and I've learned so much from it.

This isn't really a willing retirement, because it's not that I don't want to continue, it's that I finally have to address the fact that I just don't have the time anymore, and other things like school and work have FINALLY managed to invade my consciousness to the point where they've actually succeeded in taking priority (bad for fanart production, good for RL).

So what that means is that I plan to occasionally stop in to post something, art or fic or whatever, but it probably won't be too often--lord knows it hasn't been 'often' in a while.

Who knows, now that I've gotten this off my chest maybe I'll be around more frequently; I have a tendency to get guilty cause I have no art to post and that keeps me from posting anything at all!

Anyway, ironically, here's some art!!

It's Pansy and Ginny, drawn on the lovely sherant's oekakibbs page.

I actually have an H/R/Hr sketch I want to post here soon too--no idle promises full of good intentions this time, I promise! This one's actually scanned and ready to go. I drew it originally back to celebrate when 200 people friended me, but I never got around to posting it.'s been some time since then but even so!!

Even if I'm admitting to being less active in fandom now, it doesn't mean I've dropped off the Earth so feel free to still post here or email me or whatever you like. :)


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