(A consolation to the getting lost is that I at least got lost in Harvard Square, and if I ever write a proper Nate-in-Boston fic, I now have the....research to back it up. \o/)
After Action Report: The Generation Kill Transcript Project is open. I'll take a moment to let you bask in one of the greatest things to ever happen to GK fandom. (Too bad your fandom is not awesome enough to have a transcript archive, screencap gallery, character gallery, maps, timeline, and more.) Seriously, everyone needs to just go pour love on
oxoniensis because I had a bit of an inside look at all the organization involved and just woah, I don't even know how she does it! She is like the Nate Fick of fandom, for realz! And she made the whole experience very fun and exciting so ♥♥♥!
But also, this whole thing was such a team effort, and I am still amazed at just the
sheer number of people who contributed. My entire team (
live_laugh_love, and
stealmyluck) was so great, even with Christeson's crazy movie dialogue impersonations and Alpha wondering all over the place. You guys rock so much! ♥♥♥
So you know how
Intersections is my favourite fic of all time? Well,
kaneko is writing
prompt snippets, and last time it brought me
Brad and Nate at the beach (hi, Chel/ocean = OTP 4EVA!) so I cannot wait to read everything! The awesome has already begun pouring in!
(Someone make her write more of the prison-ship AU! I need more of this universe like I need water.)
Guys, Uncharted has made it in as a Yuletide fandom. I watched the boyfriend play this game (it's a pretty amazing game, the way the storytelling is done is amazing), and the minute Flynn stepped into the scene, I started telling him about how Flynn and Drake are so definitely sexing it up.
And now I can request it for Yuletide. This is totally enough reason for me to sign-up. ♥
In conclusion, thank you fandom for being awesome beyond words. ♥