I can haz more ianto now, y/y??

Feb 14, 2008 03:11

"Adam" was a bit weird but also very *squee*! ("Adam" also completely screwed up the canon for who Gray is in my fic, but that's ok, I DON'T CARE ABOUT CANON!) I liked the story quite a lot, thought the plot was interesting for a change. (Sorry, I still couldn't care less about Gwen/Rhys or Gwen/Jack except to say, um, is she like throwing herself on him? Her "Did you miss me?" was a lot more Look At Me than Jack's "Would you miss me?" which came out cute and flirty, imo. But I am very biased.)

So, on with the picspam! (Um, yeah my layout is not big enough for the images to fit properly, but I am too tired to mess around with it right now. The prettiness of Ianto will make up for the uglyness of images extending past table widths.)

Firstly, loving the new and improved confident!Tosh (ooh boobage!):

And dorky!Owen (who I am full of Yay! over but I'm also one of those few people who liked cynical!Owen - I know, I know - so I wasn't too sad to get him back):

(Ianto needs to be laughing and flirting and winking a whole lot more! It warmed my littled fangirl heart!)

But with that out of the way, I would just like say, oh noes! Ianto! What have you done to my puppy?

Seriously, Dear Torchwood, I was all ready for OMG WET!IANTO but instead I got teary and sad. Thank you for that.

Sidenote, I know this was like a "ooh, drama" moment, but is it just me, or is that Jack's "Mmm, office sex time!" look when he says "Ianto" after coming back to the Hub?

(Sorry, couldn't get a better cap.)

Also, Gareth has really pretty eyelashes (I am such a sucker for eyelashes, it's like the thing I tend to stare at the most in people):

Um, I kind of have to confess that I think Gareth's acting has improved like a hundred times since Series 1. When I first saw Cyberwomen, I thought his whole DRAMA!Ianto was a bit overdone, not in the way The Barrowman's DRAMA is overdone exactly, but I don't know, I wanted a little less teenage girl in his angst. I mean, watching it again, I wasn't thinking "wow, this is terrible" or anything, but I don't know, I wasn't completely sold on his performance, I didn't stop and say, hey great acting here!

But with that said, I thought he did great here. Hi, my love for Gareth has just grown some more!

I loved how he transitioned between having-a-breakdown!Ianto...

...to creepy-killer!Ianto.

I don't know, I think in general I'm not that impressed with the acting with the acting on Torchwood except for a few select moments, and I was a little nervous about this, but I just thought Gareth pulled it off nicely. Yay!

Also, I love love Jack's reaction to Ianto's confession. Just how he was troubled but unshakeable in his faith, and it was all about proving to Ianto that he wasn't a killer. I love that Jack takes care of Ianto, and that we get to see that.

And the kiss on the forehead was very "awww":

So I think Adam seemed to have erased the memories that he thought made Owen, Tosh, and Ianto worse off than before so that Owen loses his cynicism, Tosh her insecurity, and Ianto his sadness. But what's up with Gwen? Is he criticising her humanity (via her link to Rhys) either from the view of an outsider or because he's after funny shiney things? Or is it just accidental? I DON'T KNOW

But I do know that scene at the end was filled with so much love! OMG "Measuring tape never lies!" And Ianto totally knowing that was coming:

Gareth makes the best sarcastic faces EVER! Seriously, his eyerolls had already taken over my heart, but his "bugger" face is just as good:

So yay, for Torchwood, and Ianto and OMG GARETH! HE IS VERY PRETTY! HERE IS RANDOM PROOF:

P.S. Not dial-up friendly.

[f] touchwood

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