Well, things are going pretty fantastic in school. My grades are the best they've ever really been, ever, in my entire history of scholarship. I've currently got a pleasant 3.5 GPA and a 96.75% GPS!!! I never thought I could do so well.
I'm going to Holloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Sunday, which I'm very excited about. I've lived in florida eighteen out of the 21 years of my life, and I've never been to it. I've wanted to for as long as I can remember. So, another dream fulfilled. I can put a line through that one.
So, in my CMI lab we were assigned to create a composite image using our photo software Gimp (basically a free version of photoshop), and I really liked mine, so I'm going to share it. Our assignment was to make the cover art for a CD from a real or fake band, and since there is a Radiohead album technically out that doesn't have released artwork, I decided to imagine up one using the images availible to us. So, this is it:
I just thought it turned out really nice. It got a bit degraded in quality when I saved it as a jpeg, but it's not a terrible reduction. It took a whopping two hours, which is actually a long while.
I like it so much I wouldn't mind if it were actually the album artwork officially. Maybe I should send it to them?? Haha, not that that would make much happen.