Apr 15, 2003 19:53
yup im here, i get bored easliy, so after writtin another page or so on the script I decided to come here. You know my journal. The place where i come to write down my shit, I dont write for people, what i write is for me, it helps me vent. Like when stupid people agrivate me. Yes i know what i write down is mean, but i dont care. And i also know i cant spell, ask anyone who has chatted with me online, i suck at typing, thats why im not a typist, so who ever the hell annyomus is, go ahead and make fun of me, i dont care, what u put on journal, can be earsed just as easily as u put t there. Maby harpin on the macs for crule behavior is unkind of me, but they have pulled down some crap this year, and seniority doesnt matter to me, becuase I know that i didnt get this position becuase iim older, i know i got it becuase i am better. So go ahead and tell whoever you want, it doesnt change things, if you want my job so bad, come and prove that your skills are better, not your abilty to suck ass. If you are better, I'll give the you the damn job. But so long and farwell. I have more to write. And better things to do. And whoever the hell you are, next time show some guts and leave a name, i know i didnt name any besides the macs, but i made it obvious who i was talkin about, next time do the same, im not gonna try and kill you or annoy you be leaving mean messages on your lourbal or in your mail box or start rumors about you, itll just give me an idea of who not to talk to so i can get on with my life.